Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Lerning Kerve
The 17th century Scottish general Hugh Mackay once said that there is nothing more tedious than a perfect person. If this is true, than I am quite possibly the most exciting man in the world. I am sure that in some cultures more advanced than ours, stunted fingers and absent jawlines are symbols of masculinity, yet physical defects aside, I have a number of emotional and social blemishes that have hindered most of my adult life. For instance, I am not exactly sure how to play Monopoly, nor do I understand what a monopoly actually is. Sometimes I make up my own racial slurs and yell them at black people ("Go back to Africa you goddam googapet!"). I originally mistook the Penn State grand jury report as a letter to the Penthouse Forum. And I once danced with my mother to Marvin Gaye's classic "Let's Get It On." So where do my imperfections come from. I can blame my physical flaws on that unfair bitch Hereditary. But what about my emotional and social shortcomings? Why is my brother outgoing and charming, and I have a personality that my grandmother described as "Gollum-like?" It would be easy to blame any mental imbalance on my upbringing, such as the way my father used to make me perform Jodie Foster's scenes from Taxi Driver when I was little. But I believe there is a much more sinister entity at play, a dark and secretive place built upon exclusion, paranoia and subtle threats. I am talking, of course, about skool. For everything that has gone wrong in my life, I can trace its roots back to my years in skool. All of my cynicism, self-doubt, neurosis, and chalk addiction can be directly linked to the gloomy period of my life known as my skool-years. I'm not talking about pre-skool and kindergarten, that shit was easy. Nap time, milk breaks, recess, The Hungry Caterpillar...I rode that shit hard and put it away wet. I'm talking about elementary skool, junior high, high skool, even college. Those formative years when a boy starts to learn what to do with an erection, and why red-headed kids make shitty math partners. The sixteen years I spent in skool were painful experiments in social interaction and broad human conditioning. To this day I can't pick up a calculator without having violent Vietnam-like flashbacks where my Geometry teacher is screaming, "Use the Pythagorean theorem to tell me how much of a whore you are!" Elementary skool was probably the worst for me. Based on my looks and physical abilities, if I had lived fifty years earlier and in Poland, I would have been final solutioned in a heartbeat. Plus, kids have absolutely no sense of decency or moral etiquette. If you were fat, the kids in your class would let you know. My elementary skool was a small Dickensian building set in the middle of town. The Lower Pod contained grades one through three, and the Upper Pod contained grades four through six. I hated skool right from the start. For one, seven hours a day was way too long when it came to a six-year-old. At that age I had no sense of time, so seven hours may as well have been twelve hours. To this day I still have trouble judging the passage of time. What I think lasts a solid eight minutes, is actually about forty-three seconds, according to my fiance. In my first grade class we had our own bathroom right in the room. No need to go down the hall, just take a shit right here, three feet away from the desks. I hated that, as bathroom breaks and visits to the nurse were the perfect time-wasters. But with a bathroom right there in the classroom, not only did it not waste time, it also provided nonstop opportunities for utter humiliation. As I said, the toilet was literally three feet from the nearest desk, so if a kid went in there and unleashed that day's bowl of chili, the smell would waft through the entire room. That's some serious Oliver Twist shit. Yet, bathroom privileges were short-lived. One day a kid went into the bathroom and took a dump. He then proceeded to smear his own feces (shit) all over the walls and floor. That is true. A little kid with deep scatological issues, smeared poop all over the bathroom. It happened during a recess break, so no one actually knew who did it, but we all blamed a member of the poor section of kids. In skool I was a solid B student. If I really applied myself, I could get As, but rarely did I apply myself. Because I hated skool. I hated that these teachers could make me do things. I hated that I had to be in my desk for seven hours. I hated that most of the kids in my class were complete jag-offs. I was terrible at sports, terrible at math and science, and got shoved into fences by older kids at recess. I did have a crush on my second grade teacher but she yelled at me after I got caught trying to look up her dress. She scolded me in front of the whole class, I called her a "brainy dyke" and it turned into the whole ordeal. Somewhere around fifth or sixth grade I had to be put into a special reading class because I was not comprehending the work as well as the other students. This is the closest I ever came to being retarded, other than that time I injected myself with the human papillomavirus. By the time I was twelve and finishing up sixth grade, I was of average intelligence, socially awkward, prone to random erections several times a day, and eating my feelings. In the fall of 1997 I started seventh grade. What made junior high so terrifying is that grades seven through twelve were in the same building. So even though I was being placed in close proximity to rapidly developing girls, the chances of being picked on increased greatly. Another thing that started in seventh grade was football. I had never played organized football before, so I was equal parts excited and pants-shittingly nervous. I was made an offensive and defensive lineman. I thought that this were perfect, because I thought on offense all I had to do was stand in front of the quarterback and make sure he didn't get hit, and on defense, just try to get to the quarterback. I had no idea that for each play I had a specific duty and that just closing my eyes and wildly flailing my arms about would not be sufficient. There was also the whole thing about showering with my teammates after practice. I had never showered in front of anyone before, other than my scout master, who said it would earn me my Soup Bubbles merit badge. Of course, when a group of seventh grade boys shower together it's an unhealthy mix of homoeroticism and acts of pure disgust. We all stared at each others' dicks, how much pubes we had, one kid wasn't circumcised so everyone said he had alien dick. We threw soap on each other, pissed on each other, towel-snapped each other. Overall, it was super, super gay. In seventh grade I was at the bottom of the food chain, so I made an artform out of keeping my head down, not looking anyone older than me in the eye, and remaining completely anonymous. The one shining glory I had in junior high came during the Homecoming dance when I was still in seventh grade. I went to the dance with my best friend Matt...I mean, I didn't go-go to the dance with him, we weren't a couple. It was strictly platonic. Anyway, that night, as I peered out over the crowd, trying to take in as much cleavage as I could, Molly, the senior-fucking-prom-queen asked me to dance. No shit. I'm sure for her it was just a moment of wouldn't-it-be-funny-if-I-danced-with-the-biggest-dipshit-here, but for me it was transcendent. It was like reaching nirvana, or finding the nudity code on N64's Conker's Bad Fur Day. Molly was wearing a sleek black dress that fit tightly against her body. She had straight brown hair that fell to her shoulders, gorgeous blue eyes, and a nose that would have landed her on any endangered species list for birds...seriously, she had a huge nose. But more importantly, she was a senior and she had breasts and she was popular and she was asking me to dance with her. My height put me exactly at level with her chest, and I stared at them bewbs every chance I got, memorizing every bump of gooseflesh, every freckle. My hands just barely touched her hips, and they trembled with the ferocity of Michael J. Fox being electrocuted. The dance was brisk, and afterwards I never had any other contact with an older girl, but to this day, Molly remains a special part of my spank bank. By the end of junior high I had cut out a fairly secure niche for myself. I wasn't popular, but I was well-liked, I had friends, and was altogether average. But high skool shook everything up. The pressures of junior high were nothing compared to the pressures of high skool. Everything took on a much more serious and foreboding tone. I half-expected to see wrought-iron gates with the words ARBEIT MACHT FREI formed into them at the skool entrance. If elementary skool can be compared to a depressing Charles Dickens novel (i.e. every Charles Dickens novel), and junior high can be compared to a coming-of-age J.D. Salinger novel, than high skool can effectively be compared to the dystopian novels of George Orwell and Ayn Rand (if I don't make as many literary references as possible than I begin to feel that my English degree was a waste of time and money...Mark Twain, Moby Dick, Hemingway's simplistic prose...there). High skool definitely had the feel of a military dictatorship. The most popular seniors obviously held sway over the student body. These were the handsome and developed athletes and the girls that had transformed from being cute to honest-to-goodness jailbait. These young men and women answered only to Big Brother, the class made up of teachers, councilors and the Principal. As a freshman I was a nobody. At football practice, under the guise of being told I was now a part of something special, I was basically just tackle-fodder, a chubby piece of meat used in hitting drills. I was also subjected to the grueling high skool version of the Bataan Death March known as wrestling practice. Again, my lack of athletic prowess made me an excellent meatbag to practice moves on. During the wrestling season my freshman year, I went from 172 lbs. to 150 lbs. and racked up an impressive 0-6 record. I only wrestled in one J.V. tournament, where I lost all my matches, and I wrestled for the varsity team once. It was a dual against a hated rival, and through a series of circumstances I had to wrestle in the 162 lb. weight class. Now, I hated sports and did not take wrestling seriously, because I knew that I would never have to wrestle in a real match. There were two other kids on the team in my weight class. They were older than me, loved the sport, and where I was 150 lbs. of pure atrophied muscle and lingering baby fat, these two guys were chiseled outta marble. But on this one occasion, one of the wrestlers missed weigh-in and the other moved up a weight class, so I was selected as the team's 162 lb. wrestler. The dual worked itself out where, had I won my match, the team would have won the dual. As my match approached, my brother Dale and the other wrestlers were giving me advice, practicing moves, and building my confidence. By the time I stepped out onto the mat, I felt like I could actually win. Then I saw the guy I had to face. The dude looked like fucking Batman! Muscles, whiskers, and because singlets left nothing to the imagination, I could see his dick was way bigger than mine. The referee blew the whistle and I was on my back faster than a ten-year-old in a Penn State locker room. I decided one year of wrestling was enough, telling my parents that I would excel at football if that was my sole extracurricular focus. Football lasted only two years, after I finally came to the realization that my love of torturing animals was the only thing I had in common with Michael Vick. My skool work fared slightly better than my athletic attempts, but as with the rest of my skool career, I remained a solid B to B- student. Abject boredom was the most stimulating emotion skoolwork could arouse. Every once in a while a girl's nipples would poke through her shirt, or a fight would break out, or someone would cuss out a teacher, but really skool became nothing more than a monotonous necessity built around conformity and ridicule. Those that did rebel did so usually through sex or partying. My high skool sex life consisted of jerking off to late night airings of Silk Stalkings. I went to prom twice in high skool, and both times with girls that can accurately be described as meh...I also began to refine my taste in alcohol, preferring Hawkeye vodka and warm Natty Light as the fastest means of getting shithammered. By the time I became a senior I had already met the requirements to get into my college of choice, and so I took the bare minimum of classes that I could take and still be considered a functioning student. These classes consisted of an English course, three Home Ec. classes and two study halls. In the book Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston Smith had his little alcove where Big Brother's cameras could not see him. And I had my backrow seat in Stinkfinger's study hall. Stinkfinger was without a doubt the hottest teacher in skool. She was fortyish, divorced, and going through a post-marriage whore phase. She got her lower back pierced, and one day during English my friend uncovered an email from Stinkfinger on the teacher's computer in which Stinkfinger stated plainly that all she wants is a man with a huge dick. This, of course, sent our young minds, insane with teenage hormones, into a fucking tailspin. But the closest any of us got to hooking up with Stinkfinger came one day in study hall in which she repeatedly tongued her inside cheek. I said she probably had a canker sore on the side of her mouth, but allusions to dick-suckery were too much for us. That moment became the highlight of my senior year. I graduated from high skool in 2003 and eventually went on to a completely uneventful and regretful college career in which I strove for nothing and attained nothing. In most dystopian novels the hero usually dies, succumbing to the death knell of mass conformity and repression. But I didn't die. Skool did not kill me. I lived to fight another day...fight another day of crushing student loan debt to pay for a degree that makes me virtually unemployable...Viva la revolucion!
The Moore You Know: A few weeks ago I went to a Halloween Party (topical!) I dressed in my shabby black suit, my gray vest, my derby hat and a thin, frail walking stick. A little mustache under my nose. After about the tenth person commented on what a great Charlie Chaplin costume I had on I finally had to shout, "I'm not Charlie Chaplin goddamit! I'm business-casual Hitler!"
© Eric Moore - 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
All My Children
In a little less than a year, I will officially be a
The Moore You Know: I think of all the fictional celluloid universes that exist in the movies, the most terrifying has to be the one that Steven Seagal's characters inhabit. This is because, at any given moment, Mason Storm or Nico Toscani or Gino Felino, might find themselves in a fight for his life. Nowhere is safe for these men. At least Batman has a cave. Harry Potter has Hogwarts. But these men, these immortal characters created by the equally immortal Steven Seagal, they have no haven, no refuge from the endless parade of short-tempered psychopaths that exist everywhere John Hatcher or Casey Ryback goes. There is a reason, of course, that these men live in a world where every background character is just itching to pull out a switch blade or throw a painfully inept punch. Steven Seagul has the acting ability of a turd sliding slowing against a porcelain landscape into the waiting waters. No one watches a Steven Seagal movie for the emotional depth of his characters, or to see the man put on a motherfucking acting clinic. You watch a Steven Seagal moving because you want to see some goddam Jamaican thugs get their asses kicked, or Tommy Lee Jones get a knife put through his fucking skull. So in order to fill the void that exists between the beginning credits and the part at the end where Michael Caine gets thrown off a building, Forrest Taft and Orin Boyd need an excuse to snap some necks drop some great one-goddam-liners ("I'll take you to the bank...the blood bank."). In order to accomplish this feat, the director has no choice but to make every single character that isn't played by Steven Seagal a potential threat. Think of all the meaningless, arbitrary and totally random fight scenes in a Steven Seagal movie...They're all the same. Jack Cole or Frank Glass is minding his own business, walking the dog, heading to the bank, and while performing these completely normal tasks, he accidentally bumps into a random guy on the street, or maybe he intervenes on a man who is threatening to beat the shit out of his girlfriend way too loudly for being in a public park. Steven's character might say something like, "Excuse me, sir. I didn't mean to bump into you." Or, "Excuse me, sir, but you shouldn't speak to your girlfriend like that." And then, for no apparent reason other than the fact that everyone in a Steven Seagal movie is a bipolar steroid junkie, the stranger will respond with, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME! YOU'RE A FUCKING DEAD MAN!" And then Austin Travis or Jonathon Cold will have to put down the situation with a karate chop to the neck, a kick to the balls, or some cut-the-shit murder. That's what is so scary about the Steven Seagal universe: he has to leave his house every morning not knowing how many people are going to want to kill him for no goddam reason, but he knows that someone is going to want to kill him for no goddam reason.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Where It All Went Wrong

The year I spent in the fourth grade was probably one of the most important times in my life. It was a transitional period for me, in which I moved away from the lackadaisical freedoms of childhood and into the rigid seriousness of prepubescent adolescence. In the summer of 1994 my family was living in the town of Columbia, Illinois, and in the fall I would be starting school at Immaculate Conception School, which was the extravagantly named Catholic school in town. Since I was the new kid in town my parents thought it imperative that I assimilate with other youths as quickly as possible. In order to accomplish this my brother and I were quickly enrolled in an organized soccer league. Now, in previous summers I had to suffer the humiliations of Little League baseball, so I was used to having my summers interrupted by the vicious demands of Sport. However, this was the first time that I entered a competitive soccer league. One thing I realized very quickly is with soccer you have to run...a lot. I would have to say that 100% of the time a player is either running or moving at some kind of accelerated pace. Now, I have mentioned in the past that at age ten (10) my body was not built for any form of physical activity. I was a great sitter and an even better recliner, and I could watch the hell out of a TV, but running? Michael J. Fox has a better chance of earning a degree in calligraphy than I had at running. Soccer practice became hour long endurance tests in which my only motivation was to not be the shittiest player on the field. Games were obviously worse, because the thing I hated more than running was competition. I have found that there is a very strong correlation between how good I am at something and how much I give a shit. I have no doubt in my mind that had I been a soccer prodigy I would have relished the competition, but I wasn't a prodigy, although my old man did refer to me sometimes as the Garbage Disposal, because of how much food I could put down. Anyway, the natural drive that an athlete has to win had died inside me long ago. It was buried under the bra and underwear section of the JCPenney catalog and countless episodes of Ren & Stimpy. I was forced to play soccer, I hated it, and simply didn't care if we won or lost. My whole philosophy on the sport was Stay Away From The Ball. I hated playing the forward position because that meant I had to run the entire length of the field, and I had the lung capacity of an aborted fetus with a pack-a-day habit. On occasions I would be selected to play goalie. I assumed that it wasn't for my insanity-inducing reflexes, but was more for the fact that the goalie is the position that can always be furthest from the ball while still considered an actual player. But the goalie position was a two-sided coin. I like playing goalie, because I didn't have to run. I could usually lean against a post and get some good counting done. On the other hand, I was the last line of defense. The entire game could rest on my shoulders. Move this way and we lose, move that way and we win. I couldn't take the pressure. My defense consisted only of praying that my teammates would not let the ball get to me. If that failed then I would occasionally flail a hopeless limb, most of the time in the opposite direction of the careening ball. My only true victory in the sport came during a Saturday tournament. Before our game was scheduled to start, my mom gave me some money to get some food and pop at the concession stand. As I was returning to my teammates, who were stationed at the bottom of a hill by the fields, I noticed that the game was about ready to start and I wasn't there. So, against all my instincts, I began to run down the hill. Walking a few yards in front of me was a boy who looked a couple years younger than me. He must have heard me lumbering towards him, because he looked back at me and I saw his eyes widen in fear. He let out a yell and began sprinting down the hill in front of me. It was the only time in my life I have been able to intimidate someone. The only good thing to come out of soccer was that I got to meet the boys that would become my friends during the school year. The boy I became best friends with was a lanky red-haired kid named Matt. He was rail-thin, had perpetually uncombed hair, and a set of wild blue eyes that would haunt Charles Manson's dreams. Matt may have suffered from some form of A.D.D., because the kid was very smart, but he was fucking nuts. I remember being at an arcade with him once and he actually said, "I'm gonna fight this guy." And then he walked up to a kid playing a game and started talking shit until a fist fight erupted. I maintained my usual safe-distance. I thought maybe Matt had some kind of emotional problems, stemming from what I have no theory. His dad might have pissed in his mom's pussy while he was being conceived. That's one way to dilute the quality of the sperm [citation needed]. Although I considered Matt to be my best friend that year, we had a sort of love-hate relationship. We were friends, but we fought all the time. Matt could be very mean-spirited, a trait shared amongst the gingers. There were times when I would show up to school not knowing if Matt would be my friend that day or not. But more often than not we got along fine. We did sleepovers, birthday parties, all the stuff normal boyhood friends do. And if I'm being honest, I brought a lot of Matt's ire on myself. You see, in fourth grade I was a pathological liar of Casey Anthony proportions. I lied about everything to everyone. And it was always the most pointless shit. I mean, I lied to cover my ass when I was in trouble, but I also lied about movies I saw, books I read, presents I received. And a lot of my lies were aimed at Matt. One time I told Matt that my family was going to Busch Stadium that night to watch a Cardinals game and we had an extra ticket. "Do you want to go?" Matt was so excited. I told him I would call him that night and my family would pick him up to take him to the game...But it was all bullshit. My family did have tickets to a Cardinals game, but no extra ticket. I'm not sure why I lied, but if I had to venture a guess I would say it was because between the time I asked Matt to the game and when he figured out he wasn't going to be picked up, I was his fucking hero. I came through! For that brief window of time I was the man. The anger he felt towards me later on was worth the time he spent thrilled that I had asked him to go to a ball game. When my family got back from the game Matt had left multiple messages on our answering machine asking if everything was OK. I wasn't sure what I was going to say to Matt the next day, but I figured I would wing it. Turns out I didn't have to say anything. When I approached him, he simply turned towards me and spit a loogie right in my face. That was the gist of our relationship. It was built on lies and insults and suspicions with moments of genuine friendship. Fourth grade was also an important year for me, because it was the year that my brother Dale had completed his Homeric quest to find my father's porn stash. This quest was all predicated on a hunch we had that our dad just looked like he was the type to own porn. After two years of searching, Dale discovered a large stack of Playboys stuffed inside a Xerox box that was marked "Easter." Those Playboys, which covered the 1986-87 season, were my first real introduction to sex. I believe that sexual orientation in genetic and unchangeable, because at 10 I had no concept of what it actually meant to be gay. Gay was just a concept, an insult. It was looking at those pictures and centerfolds of fully nude women that I moved from being an asexual child to a fervent heterosexual. I was fucking mesmerised by those magazines. Dale and I looked at them whenever we had free time. We would stash a few in our room, then switch them out with a new batch when our erections had grown immune. The thing about naked women in the 1980s is there was always a lot of hair...gallons and gallons of hair. Most of the women in the Playboys I was looking at could wear their pubic hair in a ponytail. And of course the idea that a woman could shave her pubic hair was nowhere near my thoughts, so I was forced to look at beautiful women with enough hair between their legs to weave a rug. And since the vagina itself was hidden behind this fucking eagle's nest, it really didn't do anything for me. I had no idea what a vagina looked like, and all I saw in those magazines was just the absence of a penis. So I became obsessed with breasts. I would go crazy thinking about them. Since I went to a Catholic school it was mandatory to attend church as a school during the week. Every once in a while I would sit behind a seventh or eighth grade girl whose bra straps were visible through her shirt. At that point my mind would shut off and I would just fucking stare at these straps for a whole hour. Dale had a girlfriend that he brought over to our house every now and then, but she was so flat I think her chest was actually concave. The gods are cruel. So in fourth grade I discovered I sucked at soccer, I was terrible at lying but didn't care, and I discovered bewbs. Fourth grade was also the year I found out I sucked at math. Elementary school math was generally easy for me. It was simple adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing, no big deal. But in fourth grade they introduce equations. They put goddam letters into the problems. I absolutely hated math class. It was my worst subject. And as with soccer, since I sucked at math, I didn't care about math. The teacher would assign a section of our math workbook and then give us some time to get started on it, and I was shut that motherfucking book right then and there and shove it into my desk. I truly never did the assignments. I handed in so many papers where only one or two of the problems were even attempted. Of course my apathy caught up to me at the end of the year. I passed math class with a D-, but was also given a letter that said if I did not maintain a certain grade in fifth grade math, I would have to take fourth grade math over again. But for some reason Fate keeps saving my ass from true humiliation. That summer, my dad was once again transferred from Illinois back to Omaha, so by fifth grade I was back in my hometown of Treynor, Iowa, with all my old friends. And the issue of nearly failing math never came up at school. My year of fourth grade will always hold a special place in my heart, because that was when I began my journey into the man I am today, a man who is kinda a dick, kinda not.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Merit Badge In Failure
The Moore You Know: I'm writing a very gripping, very poignant novel. It is a first-person narrative about the human condition and the meaning of life. But halfway through the letter "I" broke off my keyboard, so around page 257, the protagonist suddenly gets very pretentious and only refers to himself in the third person.
© Eric Moore - 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dick Moves

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Confessions of an Eight-Year-Old Deviant

Ah, to be young and Catholic! Between 1950-2002, 4,392 U.S. Catholic priests have been accused of sexual abuse, which is close to 4% of the entire clergy. It's almost gotten to the point where I have to stop telling people that I am a Catholic. "Oh, you're a Catholic, huh? Fuckin pervert! Fuckin pedophile piece of shit! You were an altar boy, too! How many times were you molested?" Actually, I've decided to just tell people that I'm Muslim to avoid the suspicious looks. It's hard being a Catholic nowadays; sex abuse scandals, right-wing religious nuts are dominating TV, making every Christian look bad, and more and more explanations regarding the nature of the world are getting a bit too sciencey. It's no wonder people are losing their faith. Hell, I said in a previous blog that I stopped attending church because the parking was bad. So on Judgement Day I will have to sit in front of Jesus Christ and explain that I became an atheist because I couldn't find a spot without a meter...and why I'm so into bondage porn...Anyway, my faith may be dangling by a single thread today, but this was not always the case. Back in the day (early nineties) I was right there in church every Sunday and right there in CCD classes after church. Of course, I only went to church because my mom and dad made me go, and I spent most of the hour looking at the asses of girls in front of me, but that's not the point. I liked going to church, I liked the pageantry of mass, the sacred tone of everything, the quietude, the reverence. I dug that shit. Now, I had already completed my First Communion, where all the little Catholic boys and girls are finally allowed to walk down the aisle and officially receive the body and blood of Christ. Now, for all you heathens and nonbelievers, when a Catholic receives communion, he is actually consuming the body and blood of Christ. Literally. There is no symbolism, no pretending, we believe that God changes the substance of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ. It's called transubstantiation, bitch. Anyway, the next sacrament in line was reconciliation. Reconciliation is the time when the young Catholics must go before a priest and confess their sins, be absolved of all wrong-doing, and say a penance. Now, at the time I was eight-years-old, and very nervous about having to talk with a priest-a stranger-about all the bad things that I have done over my past eight years on earth. I understood the idea of "sin" and had a basic knowledge of "hell", but it was all strictly surface-level knowledge. I knew more about the Land of Oz than hell. Sins were bad things and hell was a big place of fire where bad people went. Now, we could get into this whole existential argument about the nature of good and evil and what constitutes bad behavior, et cetera, et cetera, but that would cut into all the pussy fart jokes I've been saving up. But I digress. Unless your black or Hispanic, you don't get into too much trouble when you're eight, so I was kind of at a loss as to what I needed to tell the priest. Besides, I had no frame of reference, no guidelines to tell me what was a sin and what wasn't. I mean, I knew the ten commandments, but once again, unless your black or Hispanic you probably haven't killed anyone or stolen anything at eight. So really, I had no idea what God considered to be a sin. I horded my sisters' nude Barbie dolls, was that a sin? I humped the cushions on the family sofa, was that a sin? In school I would use opportune moments to bend down to tie my shoe and try to peek up the teacher's skirt, was that a sin? I once took a shit inside my friend's Technodrome that he got for his birthday, was that a sin? I told my older brother Dale that he was born without a penis, was that a sin? I was fretting over what to say, but when the big day came I just decided to stick to the basics: I fought with my mom and dad, I fought with my siblings, I told lies...simple kid bullshit. Also, when one goes to confession, one usually has the option of talking to a priest face-to-face or kneeling behind a grill to remain anonymous. When I started I opted for the grill, which would come in handy when my confessions grew more and more humiliating. Now, for those who don't know, little boys are filthy-mouthed, disgusting human beings, and I was certainly no exception. My only problem was that I was woefully behind when it came to new things for me and my buddies to joke about. In the fifth grade, we always played football on this field next to the school. One day before a game my buddy Joe said, "I say we name this field Field Sixty-nine!" Everyone laughed and cheered, until I said, "Or Field Twenty-five!" My friends just looked at me with their WTF expressions. Twenty-five was my favorite number at the time, and I had absolutely no fucking clue that the number sixty-nine had sexual connotations. There's a scene in the movie Billy Madison where Adam Sandler laughs when his teacher tells the class to turn to page sixty-nine...yeah, that joke went right over my head. What can I say? I had really no experience or knowledge when it came to sex. I was ten. Up to this point I had seen my old man's Playboys from the 80s, so I knew that all women's breasts looked like ski-jump ramps and they had enough hair between their legs to feed a family of lice for years. But my old man never had a sex talk with me, so if it was not explained in the VHS copy of Bachelor Party I had I didn't know about it. Eventually, though, my knowledge of sex began to grow. Once my family got the Internet my brother Dale and I began a quest to build a vast library of porn, the likes of which Southwest Iowa had never seen. By the time I was thirteen most of what I knew about women came from the porn I saw on the family computer. The first time I saw a shaved vagina I went into my room and just stared at my reflection in the TV. Why would a girl do that? I wondered. Now, as it turns out, looking at pornography is considered a mortal sin by the Catholic Church. It's one of those, "do not pass go, but go directly to hell"-type sins. But at the time I had no references, no person or literature to tell me that looking at porn was a sin. So Dale and I just went right on looking at Dad's Playboys, downloading porn, and watching Skinamax at night. My rationalization was, "Looking a naked women makes me happy, and being happy is not a sin." This changed however, when my mother gave me a book that listed out everything or close to everything that could be considered a mortal sin, and sure enough the one I zeroed in on was the one that read "Viewing pornography or sexually explicit material." Well fuck me. This put me in quite the pickle. So now I was officially confronted with the fact that what I was doing was a sin. However, at the time I did not have to confess this to a priest, because if I didn't know it was a sin, then it does not count as a sin. So, from that day on I decided, no more porn! I meticulously deleted all the pictures off the floppy disks my brother and I had, returned my father's Playboys to their rightful xerox box in the furnace room, and made a solemn vow to never look at porn again...that might have lasted about a day. So here I am, on the tail end of puberty, struggling with a borderline addiction to porn, and I have to confess this to a priest. This shit is gonna get weird. I can vividly recall going to church, going to confession, sitting directly in front of the priest this time (I thought maybe he would shame me into never wanting to look at porn again) and confessing to him, "looking at pornography" as one of my sins. He nodded. "What do you do when you look at this stuff?" I just looked at him, horrified. What did I do? Nothing. Just tried to memorize every vagina I had ever seen. "You pull on yourself?" The old priest asked. Pull on myself? What the fuck did that mean? Because at the time, I had not once jerked off to the porn I was looking at. I was just...studying it...Bundy style. I slowly shook my head. "You pull on a friend?" he asked me. Pull on a friend? Who is this guy? I shook my head again. "So it's just you?" I nodded. "OK, that ain't so bad," he assured me. I left the little room trembling. How terrible! How humiliating! That day in church I made a solemn vow to never look at porn again, lest I must shame myself in front of the priest...that vow lasted about a day. Now, as fucked up as my relationship became with my priest from looking at porn, it was nothing compared to what I had to endure when I began jerking off. Now, I knew self-abuse was a sin because of that book my mother gave me, but after the first time I did it at about age 15, I thought, "This is what I want to do with my life." Soon, jerking off became as routine for me as getting the mail, except getting the mail required less Kleenex. But when it came time to confess my sin of self-abuse to the priest, I realized that I could not face him. I could not sit there and tell him I had "pulled" myself. So, when confession time came I decided to kneel behind the grill so he could not see my face. Then I mechanically listed my sins as though I was naming state capitals, and I topped the list off with "committing self-abuse." I got a good talking to, was told to not do it again, was told that people can become slaves to their lust. I then said my Act of Contrition, got absolution, and was about to leave when the priest said, "Be a good boy...You are a boy, right?" "Weh..." I muttered, then left. Apparently as a 15-year-old male, I sounded like a seven-year-old castrato trying to hit the high notes. As time went on I made many a solemn vow to give up porn once and for all, but teenage boys are essentially just vehicles for their dicks to get around, and I always ended up back in confession, behind that grill, saying the same shit I always said. As I got older though, I started going to a church in downtown Omaha, because it only lasted thirty minutes, and you didn't have to sing. They always had confession before each mass, so I attended it regularly. There were three main priests that heard confessions. One priest was really old, and dragged each confession on and on, so only two or three people actually got in before church started. A second priest was a lithe, middle-aged man who went through confession like he was scanning groceries. He could hear ten to fifteen confessions before doing mass, and his penances never varied: two Our Fathers for your sins, three Our Fathers if you killed someone. The third priest that heard confessions at this Omaha church was a short, Filipino priest who looked like he had won runner-up at a Herve Villechaize look-a-like contest. I disliked going to him to most, because his penances were always rosaries. I never liked saying the Rosary because it took forever and it was so boring. If you want to date-rape a chick, fuck the roofies, have her say the Rosary. Anyway, the little old priest always gave out the longest penances, so I never liked going to him. Also, at this church, you had no choice but to use a grill. The confessionals were set up in a very old school manner, so you never had to see the priest. Well, I must have gone to that Filipino priest one too many times with the same bullshit, because after rounding out my confession with "masturbating" he said through the curtain, "You're still doing that?" "Weh..." I muttered. Ahhh, good old confession. I haven't been in a while, but it's good to know that salvation is always a short drive away, if I can get a fucking parking spot. Next time I go I'll still be confessing to the same shit I was doing ten years ago, plus I'll have to add this damn thing (I probably shouldn't have said that stuff about the Rosary).
The Moore You Know: Something has been bothering me lately, and I feel I need to get it off my chest. I really hate Twitter and Facebook condolences. Now, I am sorry if that offends you, but it's true. We have all lost people we have loved, and during those times it is nice to have the support of friends and family, but I cannot stand it when someone dies (usually someone famous) and all of a sudden Twitter is ablaze with assholes writing things like, "U wuz the best...goin 2 miss U 4eva!!!!! RIP!!!" Or, "Sad day 2day. World lost gr8 person. I know UR in heavin right now. LUV U LOTS!!!" Jay-zus Christ. Can you really sum up how you feel about a person in 140 characters or less? Twitter condolences are absolutely the very least you can say about a person, and they honestly just some off as lazy as hell. Send a sympathy card, attend the funeral, make a donation in the deceased person's name, but don't fucking Twitter about it, it will never do the person justice. And honestly, Twitter and Facebook are supposed to be fun places of laughter and revelry. These bleak, half-hearted posts really take the air outta the room. I dunno. That's my two cents.
© Eric Moore - 2011